Why use a specialist emollient?
The skin on the foot is up to 8 times thicker than the skin on the other parts of your body11 and has different mechanical and physical properties. Dermatonics Once Heel Balm contains 25% Urea which has keratolytic properties. Once the skin becomes callused the keratolytic properties of the urea work to break down the callus and reduce the risks associated with callus and ulceration.
Daily Costs of Dermatonics Once Heel Balm
The Once-A-Day application regime saves 50% when compared to a twice a day regime.
Patients and Health Services both seek value for money so when comparing our costs to competing products, check the required daily dosage and calculate the daily cost of the product rather than the cost per gm/ml.
Is Dermatonics Heel Balm safe?
Dermatonics Heel Balm has been formulated to be extremely effective and to improve compliance whilst maintaining a balance with safety. Our formulation includes a hypo allergenic perfume selected to smell great but, as skin sensitivity to perfume increases with age, to be as safe as possible.
Skin sensitisation occurs with reasonable regularity. However, Dermatonics have had zero reports of skin sensitisation since our product was launched in 2009, our Once- A-Day regime reduces the possibility of a build up of intolerance to an ingredient.
Why do Diabetes patients need Dermatonics?
Callus is present in 80% of Diabetic Foot Ulcerations9
Dermatonics Once Heel Balm removes Callus and prevents its recurrence
By removing Callus the risks associated between callus and ulceration are eliminated.
In the UK NICE Clinical Guidelines require the NHS to provide appropriate skin care to high risk Diabetic patients including those with neuropathy and skin changes - if the patient has callus and the emollient you provide is not keratolytic is it appropriate?
Not all Diabetes patients will require our product however around 30% of this group suffer from neuropathy (in the UK 1.1m people)10 which reduces sensations in the feet. A high proportion of these patients will suffer a reduction in the quantity of sweat produced and the resultant development of anhydrosis leading to drying and cracking of the skin and callus.
How does Dermatonics Once Heel Balm compare to competitors creams?
Other creams also contain 25% urea however, whilst we share some common ingredients with these creams, around 40% of our ingredients are different from our UK competitors. This is why we are confident enough to suggest that you compare our product on a double blind basis with those products and decide for yourself.
Numerous formularies & Surgeries in NHS Trusts in the UK have made the same comparison and switched to Dermatonics.
We’ll even provide a sample and some labels for you so you can test on colleagues and if appropriate, patients.
Evidence suggests that 25% urea creams have superior outcomes on footskin than creams containing only 10% urea.13
The first 25% urea cream listed on the British National Formulary
The First Once-A-Day 25% urea cream listed on the UK Drug Tariff
Dermatonics Once Heel Balm is regulated as a Class I Medical Device Manufactured in the United Kingdom
1- The Price of Non-Compliance, Epstein ”Human Resource Executive, May 2, 2006
2- Somroo et Al Journal of Medicine 12(2)
3- Locke et al Dermatological Nursing 2012 Vol 11 No 2
4- Data on File
5- Data on File
6- Dykes Wounds UK 2012 Vol 8 No2
7- Data on File
8- Data on File
9- Sage et al JAmPodiatricMed Assoc Jun 2001, Baker, Murali-Krishnan, Rayman The Diabetic Foot Jnl 2005, Vol 8, No 4, pages 168–180
10- Townson Podiatry Now Jun 2013
12- Wakelin et al Br J of Dermatology Vol 45 issue 1
13 Baird S, Skinner C, Trail S, Frankis JS (2003) Anhydrosis in the diabetic foot: a comparison of two urea creams. Diabet Foot 6(3): 122-136